House Rules

Last Updated: Oct. 22, 2023



High / Low Games

The lowest hand in a “low” game is the opposite of the “high” game; i.e., if, in a regular poker hand, player A would have won, then in the low game, player A loses.



Low Hands

An Ace is not considered a high card in a low game; thus, the best “low” hand is Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5.


High Hands

In “high” games, A, 2, 3, 4, 5 is acceptable as a straight.



“Bicycle” straights are not recognized; i.e., K, A, 2, 3, 4.


Banned Games

The following games are banned:

 - 4-14

 - Any new game proposed by Tom


Game Time Limit

No single game shall last longer than 15 minutes.  Upon reaching 15 minutes, the active players can decide to continue for another 5 minutes or stop.  Upon stopping, the pot is divided equally among all active players.


Match the Pot

The maximum bet is $5 because then the maximum loss is only $10 (for a "post").­


Ante / Raises

Ante is 10c, bet/raise is 50c x 3 max per round.  The exceptions are:

Omaha 8, Mexican 7-27, Anaconda, Murder


Specific Games


High/Low / Split Pot Games

These games are where players drop a coin at the end to indicate their intention.  No coin dropped means the player is going "low" or for the designated card suit (e.g., high heart).  One coin dropped means the player is going for high poker hand.  Dropping two coins means going "both".


Going Both

When "going both", the player must win both "cleanly".  Thus, if the player ties in one case, he loses both.


Low Card

The lowest card is 2, not Ace.




"Ins" beats "Outs"

8 beats 6, 26 beats 28.


Number of Cards

If players have the same total value, the fewer cards win.



Regardless of other players' hands, 5 Ace Ace wins both low and high.  For example, if another player has a single "7", even though this is fewer cards than 5-A-A, the 5-A-A player still wins.  This is because the odds of getting this type of hand is much lower.


Kings and Little Ones


In Kings and Little Ones (Low in the Hole), the "Low" is a non-King card.  For example, if the down cards are A, K, K, then the Ace is wild.  Thus, the person has 3 wild cards.


If the player has three Kings down, the person has no wild cards other than the Kings.



When a player is dealt a pair, the maximum to stay in is $3 or pot, whichever is less.

Upon the betting round, the initial bet by the player with the pair is max $3. Raises by players with a pair is maxed at $1.  In subsequent rounds, the bet & raise by players with a pair is $1.


Omaha 8

Low Hands: The rules conform to the published rules: all low hands must have cards less than or equal to 8; cards must be unique (no pairs, etc.); straights/flushes are not relevant.  Thus, the lowest hand is A-2-3-4-5 even if the same suit.


Low hand comparison is done from highest to lowest card comparison; e.g., 8-6-5-4-3 wins over 8-7-3-2-A (86,543 is less than 87,321)